Like everyone else, I could have wished you a better year than 2020, I could have rejoiced on social networks that this year has finally passed.

But the reality is that 2020 will have allowed me to go back to the source of what is really important in life, despite its share of challenges!

So as in a union, I took 2020 for better or for worse and I am grateful for the opportunities and obstacles that life has put in my way and which have (re) taught me essential lessons in life. . I have always supported the Slow Food movement, I practice long Slow Fashion and this year I kissed the Slow Living; that is to say, structure his life around the meaning of things and development.

This confinement and its consequences reminded me that the essential in the life and the very soul of Bonbon Collections revolves around the family, in the proper and broader sense (friends are part of it! 😀).
Our mission has always been to allow people living with dietary restrictions to feel included in the gourmet pleasures in the most natural and positive way possible for both health and the environment. We have never been flashy with our products, we have always advocated authenticity and truth, the taste of real chocolate, real fruit, without artifice and so beautiful in its simplicity.

Once again, we have achieved our mission, our sweet pleasures have been found more than ever throughout Quebec and even beyond (Hello Ontario & New Brunswick).
Even though group celebrations have been canceled, thousands of Bonbon Collections cupcakes have come to your home to sweeten tough times.

You have supported us more than ever in our mission and I am more than grateful to you, on behalf of the Bonbon Collections family and our extraordinary team without whom, all this would not be possible.

For 2021, I wish you Health and above all a lot of simple happiness in everyday life. 😘 Thao 💜
Pâtisseries Bonbon Collections Admin